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Die Information, dass Resitex andere Eigenschaften als Novotex hat, habe ich von einem Lieferanten.

Ein Bosch Novotex Stirnrad hatte ich auf Lager und dann 2008 in einen 1800E eingebaut. Nach ca. 7.000 km wurde der Motor 2012 generalüberarbeitet und die Stirnrad-Kombination Stahl/Stahl eingebaut (Lieferant Buttkereit). Diese Räder sind ebenso unhörbar wie es jene aus Bosch Novotex/Stahl waren.

Für Oldtimer Freunde: In Wikipedia lesen wir, dass Stirnräder aus Novetex erstmals in einem Maybach montiert wurden. Dies spricht sicher nicht gegen das Material. Fragwürdig sind nur die verwendeten Qualitäten und damit das Standverhalten heute.


Novotext is a trade name for cotton textile-phenolic resin, essentially cotton-reinforced Bakelite. It was often used in car engines for gear wheels used to provide a direct drive to the camshaft as it is flexible and quiet-running.[1] One of the first luxury cars to use this material for its camshaft drive gears was the Maybach Zeppelin of 1928.[2] The material is known under various other names such as Turbax, Resitex and Celoron.[3] In bar form it is also known as Cartatextiel and Ferrozell and in sheet form as Harex, Tufnol and Micarta.

Karl Maybach's engine was a long-stroke design, with dimensions of 86×100 mm.[3] The crankshaft had eight main bearings, one being a smaller outrigger at the rear, supporting the camshaft drive gears. In a novel feature for reduced noise, these were made of Novotext, a resin-impregnated fibre composite. A further novel feature was the use of enlarged four-bolt main bearing caps on three of the bearings.
1800E (1971) - 122S (1964) - PV 54408 (1960) - 780 (1988, 1991)

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